Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A smile is a million words

“Smile a while and while you smile, another smiles and by and by there are miles of smiles and life is worthwhile because you smile”
Back in school, I remember reading out the line above in the morning assembly (and I realize now, how true it is)

Leaving aside the sarcastic, smirky, half mouthed, fake, customary types, a smile is invaluable, a possession, a weapon, an asset! The power of a smile is immense.

Across all ages, races and geographies, the genuine whole hearted smile has no deviation in its interpretation. One can never go wrong with a smile! It is an inborn instinct we possess-upwardly curling our lips to express joy, happiness and content.
What I love about it is one can instantly tell if it comes straight from the heart or if it’s just a filler. No, there is no way you can cheat with a smile!

As kids, we carry the smile of innocence on our faces; then there is the dumb/blank/empty smile most of us must know; slowly and steadily we graduate to the `ritualistic’ smile; and of course many of us must also be familiar with the `rude’ smile! And the `puppy’ smile, on seeing super adorable infants of humans and animals alike, is used so generously.

The testing smile of insolence, the sad smile of insanity, the humble smile of modesty, the proud smile of accomplishment, the warm smile of love, the fatigued smile of exhaustion, the confused smile of adolescence, the peaceful smile of contentment.
There is no end to the types one can think of.

Personally, I love smiling for no reason! I do it all the time. And if I am smiling at strangers, I wait till I receive one back…and in my head I categories it into a `type’ 

1 comment:

  1. Neesha...whenever I think of Smile I remember you...for me you are the most vibrant and cheerful person I have interacted with and that title is not going anywhere...you are a bundle of energy and great for any team...whenever the chips are down just spending a few minutes with you takes anybody out of the sad mindset...

    Just keep the smiles going and I am sure you would spreading sunshine and happiness always...

    Take care and have fun...

