My blessed slip-ons! After last evening’s footwear fiasco, no more experiments for me when it comes to walking around the streets especially when one of the most dependable mode of commuting around here weighs heavily on your trusted heels (next to the sub I suppose)! Back home, my slippers would give away on a bimonthly basis and I would end up going back home from work having my sandals somehow stapled/glued together, and that too would hardly hold for long. I remember running around office in borrowed shoes quite often! Present day, I have two blisters sitting pretty on each foot. Therefore as I ventured out to familiarize myself with the area around where I live, I prayed for a blister free, slipper malfunction free stride.
The view from my 8th floor bedroom window encompasses tall buildings in the distance, a lengthy flyway where cars are often caught in bad traffic jams, a church, the in-house swimming pool on the 7th floor terrace (which sadly won’t open until late May), the gym downstairs and a manicured terrace lawn with white and yellow wild flowers abruptly springing to life, bidding the winter goodbye! I figured it was time to look around, observe and imbibe a little more today!
Much to my surprise, I could hear Trans music playing as I stepped outside the building door and soon after saw the DJ responsible. The white topped mini tents mushrooming around caught my attention and within seconds I gathered it to be an evening bazaar. From freshly baked breads and its variations, to clothes, caps, tees, accessories and more! And if you are wondering if I managed to pick something for myself, I actually did!!
Dog walkers, pram pushers, hand holders, sun lovers and I.I couldn’t help wonder if I was really here in their midst.
Located at a very small radial length from 100 Columbus Dr.(my building address),one can find eateries like Mc Donald’s, Starbucks, Subway, a pharmacy which double ups as a departmental store and most important, the train station. Cleaners, shoe repair shops, studios are just a few steps away.Life is in abundance all around. The feel surely is fresh and vibrant! And as I was walking around taking the final photograph, a young guy offered his help with my picture. I politely declined explaining its just the city shots I am after for a blog that I writeEnjoy them!
Nice shots! the city actually looks so huge! and vibrant!